
Posts Tagged ‘Twilight Zone’

The Obselete and What America Is

January 19, 2010 Leave a comment

I wasn’t alive during the original airing of this.  But does anyone think we would ever see anything close to this today.  The reading of the Bible on Network Television, the opposition of  Government running everything, and Rod Serling saying that any ideology that does not uphold the qualities of man is obsolete.  Damn, it used to be illegal and immoral to be a Socialist in this country.  What happened?  The very people who made this show popular are now running the country.  Did a young, if you can imagine it, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Bill and Hilary Clinton actually watch that show and say “We should aspire to the first part of that?”  Did they only read the first 66% of Atlas Shrugged and think that is my philosophy?  Or this a teenage rebellion that never died?  I can’t figure it out.

What is going on today has always been fought against.  A government take over of our liberties.  Every generation has had people who think like me.  Where are they?  This adminstration is obsolete and against EVERYTHING this country was founded on.  We don’t need to turn this country into another failed ideology, just everyone who thinks that the Constitution is old, Government knows better than the people, and healthcare is a right is free to move to a country that upholds those values.  Here’s a thought:  Making America worse doesn’t make it better.

We used to be the country that people came to for freedom from Fascism, murderous dictators, and persecution.  We used to be a country of producers, innovators.  Cars, steel, chemicals, Oil, Gas, grain, produce and a job for anyone that worked hard.  Now it seems that people are coming here for a hand out, to work the system to their advantage and mold this society in an image that is, dare I say, foreign to the ideals of America.  If you want healthcare paid for by the taxpayers, move to Europe.  There are a few countries whose Healthcare ranks in the top 5 in the world.  If you want a country that has a low carbon foot print, whatever that is, move to Tonga, or Brazil.  Stop trying to turn America into the richest third world country. 

Get rid of the EPA and let them go work on another country.  Lower the corporate tax rate to 12%  and I promise jobs will not go overseas.  Hey libs, do you know who is the greatest care taker of the forests in this country?  No it is not the freaks at Earth first, it s not the EPA, it is not the courts.  It is the corporations that produce paper goods.  Wherehouser and the like.  Let’s stop shutting down mills and thwarting trucking.  Let’s stop all this Global Warming propaganda that has led to millions of layoffs.  Let’s stop voting for left-wing Marxist ideologues who hate this country and force them to live where their agenda is actually employed. 

I know, I know,  no one in America will pay $28 dollars for a shirt.  Because India will produce it for 8 cents a day in labor.  Well, do you know why they work for those low wages?  Because they appreciate having a job.  The Entitlement crowds coupled with the stupid, and the Unions who pay people who haven’t produced a Damn thing in this country for years are driving up costs.  My $18,000 car could cost $4,000 less if it wasn’t for the Unions who claim to be fighting for the little guy.

This is running a little long so let me sum up.  Phrases such as “for the common good”, “looking out for the little guy”, and “fighting for the middle class”, are all phrases that should be followed with the question, “How so?”  Not doing so presses the idiotic libs to throw these phrases around for votes.  So they can stay in the élite.  How is paying for my healthcare and 34 million other people fit into any of the preceeding  questions?  Well, all the phrases I asked you to look out for is coming up in another post.  For now, I’ll just say that the State running everything is obsolete.  You, the individual, are the ones with all the power.
