
Posts Tagged ‘Liberty vs. Tyranny’

Glenn Beck Is Crazy

April 8, 2010 4 comments

This guy is crazy if he thinks the mainstream media is going to go against Obama’s policies.  He is crazy if he thinks that anyone that supports Obama watches his program.  This guy is crazy if he thinks that anyone that does not watch his program likes him.  But the fact is that he has spent hours proving that Obama is a socialist.  And hours proving that blind Democrats don’t believe that they are ruining the country.  Glenn Beck is crazy if he believes that anything is saying is getting through to the thousands that need to hear what he is saying.

“Obama is  a Socialist” has become a racist euphemism.  Really?  He wants to redistribute wealth…make it fair for all Americans (whatever that means) and Nationalize the car industry, the healthcare industry, and control radio and the Internet.  He wants to squelch AM talk radio.  What does that say to you?  All you “give the guy a chance ” people?  We hired this guy to do a job…He is a man of action,,,what ever your defense it doesn’t fit with the American way of life.  What he wants to do is give your money to people HE feels deserves it, give healthcare to who he feels is being slighted, with your money, GIVE an education to whom he thinks can be indoctrinated and give a handout to whoever he feels has been slighted.

America was built/founded on the principles that if you work hard you will get what you deserve.  BHO wants to give healthcare to everyone, give an education to everyone, give money that you have to people who don’t have as much as you.  How can you support such a leader?  My question is this:  If you owe John healthcare because you make $40,000 a year and have healthcare, a car, a mortgage, a supply s comfortable living for you and you family….What does John owe you?  Simply: Because of your exsistence you owe him something.  Because of your exsistence what does he owe you?  Barack can contact me personally and answer that if he wants.

Most libs answer that question:  “Well there shouldn’t be people without a car, health care, it is just not fair.  Are you voting for Democrats that represent you or are you voting for third-graders in the school yard?  My third-grade son constantly counters my discipline with “it is not fair”.

Be a grown-up and realize that what is yours should be yours and everyone should fight/work for what they want.  It is too bad that people don’t have what iI have.  They didn’t make the sacrifices that I made.  They didn’t look into the future the way I did.  They did not stick to the same job for ten years the way I did.   Do I empathise with their plight, of course.  As a Christian do I want to help them, of course.  But to have a Government mandate is silly.  For one of top advisors to the President say that government-run healthcare is what the Gospel says is Stupid. 

The Gospel that I have read constantly relies on the INDIVIDUAL to solve the problems with the guidance of GOD.  I go with that and so should the rest of you.

f b

Is Healthcare a Right or Commerce?

March 22, 2010 Leave a comment

Last night I watched 218 people ruin the lives or at least negatively impact the lives of millions of people.  Even a number of the 31 million they swore this was to help.  What was shocking  was the two left views of the vote.  One the one hand we have the most incompetent person to ever hold leadership in this country, Nancy Pelosi, telling us that this death of thousands of people (or least an industry) it is an inalienable right.  Now for all of you who are new to the Constitution, Inalienable Rights are those give to you by God.  Not Man.  Once again the stupid convince the stupid.  But hold on.

Then on at least two occasion I heard commentary that you can easily place Government-run health care under the commerce clause.  Excuse me?  The commerce clause (which for all of you that don’t know was put in so that the colonies or the young states would not shut out other states monetarily when we were establishing the new country.  That is the simple explanation for brevity purposes).  Is it a right or is it commerce?  I know some of you are saying why does it matter?  It matters because if  218  people voted on it because it is a right then when they deny any American treatment with their IRS death panels, you can say it is a violation of you right as an American citizen.

If it is commerce, and libs I will use a word most Conservatives have used for a better part of a year as a synonym, a service, then the IRS can deny you that service because it is not available.  Once again these Democrats have put both pieces of information out there so it can be used in arguments and divide the country.  And when I re-read Commerce clause, the word Healthcare does not appear anywhere in it.  Maybe Geraldo Rivera is smarter than me, but when you contort the 234 language that much, I guess it makes you look smart.  Because you can see what no other consitutional scholar I have spoken to or listened to has seen.  Geraldo, welcome to indoctrination, and thanks for proving that Fox News IS Fair and Balanced.

So when the death panels come, pray you are on them.  So you can defend yourself.  And when it comes to your life and the denial of treatment don’t forget, that in front of God and everyone on March 21st 2010 this Government told you: “YOU have a RIGHT to Healthcare.


Team RamRod: This is How a Bill Gets Passed

March 16, 2010 1 comment

That video was for Pelosi, Reid,  and Obama.  See it starts with the people, then the Representative has a majority support and writes a bill.  Did you take note on how concise the bill was.  Then, and this is important, the Congress READS the bill before they debate it.  See that, Nancy, they READ the bill to find out what is in it.  Not PASS it to find out what is in it.  There was no mention of reconciliation, the Slaughter Rule, arm-twisting, kick-backs or special favors or “one way or another we will pass it.  Oh, is this where you are ending “politics as usual”?  Because that is they way it usually works.  If the people decide they don’t like it, the bill should die.

If this video explanation is too complicated (remember the target audience was cartoon watching 4th graders eating sugared cereals in their pajamas) I am sure my breakdown of the video cleared it up.  The following questions should be answered by any fence-sitting Congressman:  If it is truly about Healthcare for all Americans, why after a year of debates you have less support than when you started?  If the Congress and Senate are going about it the right way, then why did Evan Bayh get sick and tired and quit?  Why the intimidation(allegedly) in the shower with Massa?  Why all the special deals to states like Nebraska, Florida, Louisiana?  Why are there exemptions for certain people if they belong to a group that supported Obama?  Where is the money to fund the programs that are already bankrupt?  Why another entitlement?  Why not an expansion of the dated programs we already have?

If you libs believe that the Constitution is a “living and breathing” document, why are the entitlements that we already have in this country not expandable?  Don’t we have enough laws in this country?  Team RamRod is acting like they are the first to try any entitlements.  Does history start with the year you were born?  Answer those questions Congress and Senate and the only conclusion you can come to is that this massive government expansion is not only Unconstitutional, but on some levels immoral.  That previous statement refers to Abortion and death panels review boards on how to cut costs (AKA who will deserves care and who does not).

I have said this many times on this blog, the American people don’t want this bill.  Sure there is the other side that want healthcare reform, but THIS is not reform.  It is the change fundamentally of how we do things.  Wait that sounds familiar.

Oh, NOW Obama wants to start living up to his campaign promises.  Too late.  He is too far behind and everyone knows you used Sal Alinsky tactics to get elected.  Say what they want to hear.  Well, I didn’t want it then and I don’t want it now.  Kill the bill and wait for two more years for you to be Jimmy Cartered out of office.


A New Member of Team RamRod

March 10, 2010 2 comments

First there was Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (AKA Team RamRod)

These two temporary employees of mine have been trying everything they can to raise my taxes and increase the national deficit all the while circumventing the Constitution.  But they just couldn’t get around that one section that says that all votes have to be represented by a Yay or Nay.  Or the voices of their collective bosses.  Now Team RamRod tried a few tactics over the last year.  They changed the language of the bill.  That didn’t work.  They tried to rename it.  That didn’t work.  They went to their direct Supervisor (AKA The President of the United States) for help.  He suggested to speak to everyone (the idiots) in language they could understand.    The problem with that approach, is that everyone understood all to well what was in that bill.  I am just going to add that if you libs  are so damn smart, why is it that NONE of your ideas work.  What geniuses we have in charge of our country.  Every idea (many of them came from 1932 and were not their own) is shot down.  They don’t work.

Already identifying the enemy, the health insurance industry, they thought it was a lock.  With the power of persuasion of Barry Obama and crosshairs (that is a gun reference) locked on the enemy it should have been smooth sailing.   But still couldn’t get around the pesky Constitution that they swore to uphold.  Enter the thrid member of Team RamRod: Louise Slaughter.

She proposes to our “heroes” that we just say that once the new bill is passed in the House, it shall not need a vote in the Senate.  And then once all the corrections are in and the Obama signs it.  Now all of the Constitutional Conservatives (like myself) say “Wait a minute!  What about the “Yay or Nay clause in the Constitution.  Team RamRod, however, thinks it is the way to get Health Care Reformed passed.

I’ll say this again.  Hey Representatives, why don’t you represent the people?  Why don’t you quit trying to find a way to pass this and truly take a poll in your district?  If 51% approve, great.  Except you are ignoring 49% of the people who employ you.  IF 76% thinks this a bad idea, why do we support 24%?  My point on that is you’ll use a majority to support your argument in one case and the minority opinion in another.  Why do you think the people are disillusioned by government?  And one more time, can someone answer this:  If this is about Healthcare for everyone, why isn’t it tax-free?    I know, I know, we need the taxes to make healthcare free.  Does that make any sense?

So welcome to Team RamRod Louise.  You also will not have a job for very long.


I Can’t Take It Any More

March 8, 2010 Leave a comment

This whole health care debate has spiraled out of control.  And I think that is why the Obama Administration is upset.  Because it is not about Health Care, it is about control.  And he does not have it.  The American people have it.  Vote for this stupidity, Congress and Senate and you will all be out of a job.  How does it feel Washington to have your liberty stripped from you?  That is what we all feel you are going to do to us.  And WE, the governed, don’t like it.  Let’s take a peek at the President’s speech today, shall we?

And the insurance companies continue to ration health care based on who’s sick and who’s healthy; on who can pay and who can’t pay. That’s the status quo in America, and it is a status quo that is unsustainable for this country. We can’t have a system that works better for the insurance companies than it does for the American people. (Applause.) We need to give families and businesses more control over their own health insurance. And that’s why we need to pass health care reform — not next year, not five years from now, not 10 years from now, but now

This reminds me of Animal Farm by George Orwell.  All the animals hated the farmer.  But what they discovered that they wanted was to BECOME the farmer.  It is not Okay for a private business to look at the bottom line.  So enter the Government (AKA more of your tax money) who never looks at the bottom line.   But in this case they claim they are going to cut costs (AKA ration on who is sick and who is healthy).  You can Google Eziekel Emanuel’s QUALY matrix.  Under 20 almost nothing and over 65 nothing.  In between the most coverage.  If you want to give businesses and families better opportunities, Barry (his mamma call him Barry, he’s Barry) stop regulating them to death.  Get rid of the EPA, stop putting these ridiculous Carbon footprint reduction demands on them  and quit raising taxes on everything.  (Coming soon the Value Added Tax).

He says that we need to pass reform now.  Why?  It doesn’t go into effect for three years.  Let’s let this tax-increasing, society-destroying, government-expanding, and dare I say, idiotic, bill sit on the table for three years.  It will be like that one popsicle that fell to the bottom of your freezer.  It may not look that good after three years.  How can you say you are voting for this for the American people when 60% of the people voting for it may not be there is three years?  What is the rush?  I am sick of the rush, rush, rush  of this President.  There is a rush, because once he gets this passed the next guy in charge cannot overturn it.  He knows that there will be a Republican majority in the House and Senate in 2010 and he will lose in 2012.  So the rush is not for you the people, but for him.

It always comes back to him, Barry.  When will all the supporters of this idiocy wake up and realize he is not doing for you, but for all the Progressives, passed and present, that he idolizes.  The Health Care Bill will raise taxes (substitute that increase for the insurance premiums)  increase the deficit, cut Medicare, cut Cancer treatments (which have already begun), give more power to faceless bureaucrats that could care less who you are, put numerous people out of work, and fundamentally change America.  Who are these temps and why do THEY get to decide what I can do?

If 300 e-mails/letters are the proof that we need this reform, why is 68% of voters against proof that we do not. If my math is correct the “do not’s” out number the “do’s”.  Though this is NOT a democracy, but a representative republic, the Representatives better do just that; represent.  It doesn’t go into effect for THREE years. But less money/liberty will start immediately.  And what the Hell for?


The Party of No or the Party of Know

February 16, 2010 Leave a comment

The Democrats constantly say that the Republicans are the party of No.  I think once again they have misrepresented the Right-Wing.  We have stood against the Health Care take over, professing that America has the best health care in the world.  I know of one important person (the name escapes me at the moment) that hails from a country that has Universal health care, came to America for treatment.  I know of Canadians that are marching in America to uphold the current health care system.  And other European countries are begging us not to go down the road that they are currently on.

The IPCC came out this week an said that they have found at least 4 errors in their Nobel Peace Prize Winning document (2007) and that they should never have been branded a Scientific Organization.  It has also been said by Phil Jones who does or used to represent that ridiculous organization, that there is no statistical data  for man-made global warming for the past 15 years.  They used anticdotes from hikers ( I almost typed hippies there), and data from Greenpeace.  Which Greenpeace is hardly an objective organization.  You can read more about this in the Orange County Register.  It seems like when they went from save the dolphins to save the planet, they once again overstepped and the American public doesn’t like it.  This goes directly to Cap and Trade regulations.  And the phony green jobs creations.

We, in the right-wing, also know that there are people out there trying to kill us and we should detain these people for the rest of their lives.  The threat of the Gitmo closing was a bad idea.  Probably why it hasn’t happened yet.  Sorry libs, another broken promise by YOUR messiah.   We also know that Keynesian Economics don’t work.  You cannot spend your way out of a recession.  The Republicans know that increasing the debt and funding ACORN and other pet projects doesn’t create jobs.  We know about Marx, Mao, Che, Castro and other civilian killing thugs that the left celebrates.  WE KNOW!  They all failed!  

So gridlock is what is best for this country.  There are a few people in Washington that support the Constitution and the voice of the American people.  That is why there is gridlock.  I was going to use this line as my own, but I heard Mark Levin use it so I will give him attribution: “Vote for me I will promise gridlock.”  Because there is only gridlock because the ones standing against this top-down government are actually support the people they swore to represent.  So is it the party of “no” or the party of know?  We know what the people want and we should deliver it to them


Oh Now We Have to Hate Banks, Got it.

February 2, 2010 Leave a comment

“The left has a war room for everything, except war.-Dennis Miller.  So they emerge from the room of the war against the Private Sector with this gem.

It’s the bank’s fault  that 10% of you are umemployed.  It is the bank’s fault they foreclosed on the house you could not afford.  It is the bank’s fault that you no longer can use your credit cards or increase your spending limits.  False.  False.  And False.  It is Bush’s fault.  Just kidding.  Obama has played footsie with the Unions and regulated industry to a stranglehold that forced the “evil” corporations to layoff people.  Small Business America is not expanding. 

In the speech above he says “No longer [will banks ] be allowed to stray too far from their central mission of serving customers.”  Okay apply that to what your job is as the President, Congress, and Senate.  There is not one entity that has strayed farther from the central mission of servicing the people than the Federal Government.  He goes on to say “Too many financial firms have put taxpayer money at risk by operating hedge funds, making risky investments for quick reward.”

Taxpayer money at risk.  Let me think for a second.  Okay got it.  “Shovel ready” jobs, none.  Green jobs, none.  And giving money to entities that will already keep jobs, done.  Taxpayer money given to Corporations that helped Obama get elected, done.  Total creation of jobs, none.  So I say no longer can the Government put taxpayer money aside for made up job creation (AKA hedge fund).

“No longer will banks be able to sponsor hedge funds or property trading operations for their own profits unrelated to serving their customers.”  The Government is the biggest bank in the country.  So no longer can they use liniment Domain, fund turtle tunnels, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be gone, right?  he says this applies to all large financial institutions.  Who is larger than the Federal Government.

My point is this: the rhetoric should get the entitlement crowd to applaud this strong language.  But like I have said before, the people who believe is Socialism or “social justice” doesn’t want it to apply to them.  Obama is at war with you the American people.  So Obama goes after EVERY bank EXCEPT the one that is bankrupting this country.  Remember it used to be $250,000, then it turned into $200,000. soon it will be you.  If you applaud getting the rich because it is not you, soon it will be you making around $46,000.  Everybody got a tax BREAK under George W. Bush.  Only a selected few will get tax breaks in the O-topia.


Shut Up We’re Mopping Over Here

January 29, 2010 1 comment

"And after you're done here..."

The State of the Union Address was nothing more than Obama sticking his nose in the air at the American people.  Aren’t you tired of this.  His policies have failed thanks to the American people.  He blames systemic failures and yet his response is more systems.  That fail.  A year into his Presidency he claims that he is mopping up the mess that he inherited.  Okay.  How does increasing the deficit by more than what you inherited doing better.  I also didn’t appreciate every time he refered to the earlier debt he used the word massive.  But when it came to his job killing, palm greasing, selective spending, it was necessary.  He says let’s try some common sense solutions.  Okay.  Like portability of health insurance, shot down, stop green jobs that create nothing, shot down, tort reform, shot down.  I guess it is shut up and listen to the leftists, we’re mopping over here.  

We need not to be afraid what is hard.  Good one.  How about you change the language to say that we don’t want what will cost me my liberty and is stupid.  I know I know you don’t quit.  That is what I am afraid of.  You won’t quit.  Your socialist agenda would work if the stupid people could just understand it better.  The healthcare bill may not deny anyone with a pre-existing condition.  But it will deny post-condition.  Right Dr. Emmanuel with your QUALY source of rationing.  To say it simply the healthcare bill won’t deny you coverage, but it will deny you treatment.  

  I also loved in the speech that the greased palms of certain Corporations (remember to hate to the corporations) got glowing endorsements.  They were all funded by the phony stimulus package.  All the jobs that were save and created by this stimulus were kick backs to Unions (firefighters, police officer, the NEA).  This is getting ridiculous.  We know that all of those Unions including the UAW were big supporters of O-topia.  Wake up.  He is destroying jobs, Union and Non-union.  The worse the economy gets the better it is for his agenda.  I believe that is a paraphrase of Marx himself.  The Sate of the Union Address brought back the campaign Obama.  When he was cool and accepted by most of the Bush haters.  Great what that means to thinking Americans is rhetoric and promises that he cannot fulfill because WE DON”T WANT IT!  The out of touch President continues to focus on the 40,000 (his number) of people that pay nothing and want you and me to pay for everything.  What I say to that is what does the non-tax-paying American owe me.  If I owe a person healthcare, a college education, a job, money for bus fare, what does he owe me once I pay for all of those things?    

Mr. Obama your Hope and Change is dead.  Look around you.  No not to Axelrod, Team Ramrod, and the other idiots you surround yourself with, but the United States of America, the country you are supposed to be leading.  We don’t want government run healthcare, we do not want terrorist barbarians Mirandised, we do not want to pay for that guy over there, we want to pay our own way and left the Hell alone, got it?  So while your busy mopping, the rest of America is voting in people who represent us.  Get busy leading or get busy dying because that what you and you agenda is doing.  Dying.

The Obselete and What America Is

January 19, 2010 Leave a comment

I wasn’t alive during the original airing of this.  But does anyone think we would ever see anything close to this today.  The reading of the Bible on Network Television, the opposition of  Government running everything, and Rod Serling saying that any ideology that does not uphold the qualities of man is obsolete.  Damn, it used to be illegal and immoral to be a Socialist in this country.  What happened?  The very people who made this show popular are now running the country.  Did a young, if you can imagine it, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Bill and Hilary Clinton actually watch that show and say “We should aspire to the first part of that?”  Did they only read the first 66% of Atlas Shrugged and think that is my philosophy?  Or this a teenage rebellion that never died?  I can’t figure it out.

What is going on today has always been fought against.  A government take over of our liberties.  Every generation has had people who think like me.  Where are they?  This adminstration is obsolete and against EVERYTHING this country was founded on.  We don’t need to turn this country into another failed ideology, just everyone who thinks that the Constitution is old, Government knows better than the people, and healthcare is a right is free to move to a country that upholds those values.  Here’s a thought:  Making America worse doesn’t make it better.

We used to be the country that people came to for freedom from Fascism, murderous dictators, and persecution.  We used to be a country of producers, innovators.  Cars, steel, chemicals, Oil, Gas, grain, produce and a job for anyone that worked hard.  Now it seems that people are coming here for a hand out, to work the system to their advantage and mold this society in an image that is, dare I say, foreign to the ideals of America.  If you want healthcare paid for by the taxpayers, move to Europe.  There are a few countries whose Healthcare ranks in the top 5 in the world.  If you want a country that has a low carbon foot print, whatever that is, move to Tonga, or Brazil.  Stop trying to turn America into the richest third world country. 

Get rid of the EPA and let them go work on another country.  Lower the corporate tax rate to 12%  and I promise jobs will not go overseas.  Hey libs, do you know who is the greatest care taker of the forests in this country?  No it is not the freaks at Earth first, it s not the EPA, it is not the courts.  It is the corporations that produce paper goods.  Wherehouser and the like.  Let’s stop shutting down mills and thwarting trucking.  Let’s stop all this Global Warming propaganda that has led to millions of layoffs.  Let’s stop voting for left-wing Marxist ideologues who hate this country and force them to live where their agenda is actually employed. 

I know, I know,  no one in America will pay $28 dollars for a shirt.  Because India will produce it for 8 cents a day in labor.  Well, do you know why they work for those low wages?  Because they appreciate having a job.  The Entitlement crowds coupled with the stupid, and the Unions who pay people who haven’t produced a Damn thing in this country for years are driving up costs.  My $18,000 car could cost $4,000 less if it wasn’t for the Unions who claim to be fighting for the little guy.

This is running a little long so let me sum up.  Phrases such as “for the common good”, “looking out for the little guy”, and “fighting for the middle class”, are all phrases that should be followed with the question, “How so?”  Not doing so presses the idiotic libs to throw these phrases around for votes.  So they can stay in the élite.  How is paying for my healthcare and 34 million other people fit into any of the preceeding  questions?  Well, all the phrases I asked you to look out for is coming up in another post.  For now, I’ll just say that the State running everything is obsolete.  You, the individual, are the ones with all the power.
