
Posts Tagged ‘Schoolhouse Rock’

Team RamRod: This is How a Bill Gets Passed

March 16, 2010 1 comment

That video was for Pelosi, Reid,  and Obama.  See it starts with the people, then the Representative has a majority support and writes a bill.  Did you take note on how concise the bill was.  Then, and this is important, the Congress READS the bill before they debate it.  See that, Nancy, they READ the bill to find out what is in it.  Not PASS it to find out what is in it.  There was no mention of reconciliation, the Slaughter Rule, arm-twisting, kick-backs or special favors or “one way or another we will pass it.  Oh, is this where you are ending “politics as usual”?  Because that is they way it usually works.  If the people decide they don’t like it, the bill should die.

If this video explanation is too complicated (remember the target audience was cartoon watching 4th graders eating sugared cereals in their pajamas) I am sure my breakdown of the video cleared it up.  The following questions should be answered by any fence-sitting Congressman:  If it is truly about Healthcare for all Americans, why after a year of debates you have less support than when you started?  If the Congress and Senate are going about it the right way, then why did Evan Bayh get sick and tired and quit?  Why the intimidation(allegedly) in the shower with Massa?  Why all the special deals to states like Nebraska, Florida, Louisiana?  Why are there exemptions for certain people if they belong to a group that supported Obama?  Where is the money to fund the programs that are already bankrupt?  Why another entitlement?  Why not an expansion of the dated programs we already have?

If you libs believe that the Constitution is a “living and breathing” document, why are the entitlements that we already have in this country not expandable?  Don’t we have enough laws in this country?  Team RamRod is acting like they are the first to try any entitlements.  Does history start with the year you were born?  Answer those questions Congress and Senate and the only conclusion you can come to is that this massive government expansion is not only Unconstitutional, but on some levels immoral.  That previous statement refers to Abortion and death panels review boards on how to cut costs (AKA who will deserves care and who does not).

I have said this many times on this blog, the American people don’t want this bill.  Sure there is the other side that want healthcare reform, but THIS is not reform.  It is the change fundamentally of how we do things.  Wait that sounds familiar.

Oh, NOW Obama wants to start living up to his campaign promises.  Too late.  He is too far behind and everyone knows you used Sal Alinsky tactics to get elected.  Say what they want to hear.  Well, I didn’t want it then and I don’t want it now.  Kill the bill and wait for two more years for you to be Jimmy Cartered out of office.
