
Posts Tagged ‘Louise Slaughter’

A New Member of Team RamRod

March 10, 2010 2 comments

First there was Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (AKA Team RamRod)

These two temporary employees of mine have been trying everything they can to raise my taxes and increase the national deficit all the while circumventing the Constitution.  But they just couldn’t get around that one section that says that all votes have to be represented by a Yay or Nay.  Or the voices of their collective bosses.  Now Team RamRod tried a few tactics over the last year.  They changed the language of the bill.  That didn’t work.  They tried to rename it.  That didn’t work.  They went to their direct Supervisor (AKA The President of the United States) for help.  He suggested to speak to everyone (the idiots) in language they could understand.    The problem with that approach, is that everyone understood all to well what was in that bill.  I am just going to add that if you libs  are so damn smart, why is it that NONE of your ideas work.  What geniuses we have in charge of our country.  Every idea (many of them came from 1932 and were not their own) is shot down.  They don’t work.

Already identifying the enemy, the health insurance industry, they thought it was a lock.  With the power of persuasion of Barry Obama and crosshairs (that is a gun reference) locked on the enemy it should have been smooth sailing.   But still couldn’t get around the pesky Constitution that they swore to uphold.  Enter the thrid member of Team RamRod: Louise Slaughter.

She proposes to our “heroes” that we just say that once the new bill is passed in the House, it shall not need a vote in the Senate.  And then once all the corrections are in and the Obama signs it.  Now all of the Constitutional Conservatives (like myself) say “Wait a minute!  What about the “Yay or Nay clause in the Constitution.  Team RamRod, however, thinks it is the way to get Health Care Reformed passed.

I’ll say this again.  Hey Representatives, why don’t you represent the people?  Why don’t you quit trying to find a way to pass this and truly take a poll in your district?  If 51% approve, great.  Except you are ignoring 49% of the people who employ you.  IF 76% thinks this a bad idea, why do we support 24%?  My point on that is you’ll use a majority to support your argument in one case and the minority opinion in another.  Why do you think the people are disillusioned by government?  And one more time, can someone answer this:  If this is about Healthcare for everyone, why isn’t it tax-free?    I know, I know, we need the taxes to make healthcare free.  Does that make any sense?

So welcome to Team RamRod Louise.  You also will not have a job for very long.
