
Posts Tagged ‘IPCC’

The Party of No or the Party of Know

February 16, 2010 Leave a comment

The Democrats constantly say that the Republicans are the party of No.  I think once again they have misrepresented the Right-Wing.  We have stood against the Health Care take over, professing that America has the best health care in the world.  I know of one important person (the name escapes me at the moment) that hails from a country that has Universal health care, came to America for treatment.  I know of Canadians that are marching in America to uphold the current health care system.  And other European countries are begging us not to go down the road that they are currently on.

The IPCC came out this week an said that they have found at least 4 errors in their Nobel Peace Prize Winning document (2007) and that they should never have been branded a Scientific Organization.  It has also been said by Phil Jones who does or used to represent that ridiculous organization, that there is no statistical data  for man-made global warming for the past 15 years.  They used anticdotes from hikers ( I almost typed hippies there), and data from Greenpeace.  Which Greenpeace is hardly an objective organization.  You can read more about this in the Orange County Register.  It seems like when they went from save the dolphins to save the planet, they once again overstepped and the American public doesn’t like it.  This goes directly to Cap and Trade regulations.  And the phony green jobs creations.

We, in the right-wing, also know that there are people out there trying to kill us and we should detain these people for the rest of their lives.  The threat of the Gitmo closing was a bad idea.  Probably why it hasn’t happened yet.  Sorry libs, another broken promise by YOUR messiah.   We also know that Keynesian Economics don’t work.  You cannot spend your way out of a recession.  The Republicans know that increasing the debt and funding ACORN and other pet projects doesn’t create jobs.  We know about Marx, Mao, Che, Castro and other civilian killing thugs that the left celebrates.  WE KNOW!  They all failed!  

So gridlock is what is best for this country.  There are a few people in Washington that support the Constitution and the voice of the American people.  That is why there is gridlock.  I was going to use this line as my own, but I heard Mark Levin use it so I will give him attribution: “Vote for me I will promise gridlock.”  Because there is only gridlock because the ones standing against this top-down government are actually support the people they swore to represent.  So is it the party of “no” or the party of know?  We know what the people want and we should deliver it to them
