
Posts Tagged ‘Don’t let Health Care Pass’

I Can’t Take It Any More

March 8, 2010 Leave a comment

This whole health care debate has spiraled out of control.  And I think that is why the Obama Administration is upset.  Because it is not about Health Care, it is about control.  And he does not have it.  The American people have it.  Vote for this stupidity, Congress and Senate and you will all be out of a job.  How does it feel Washington to have your liberty stripped from you?  That is what we all feel you are going to do to us.  And WE, the governed, don’t like it.  Let’s take a peek at the President’s speech today, shall we?

And the insurance companies continue to ration health care based on who’s sick and who’s healthy; on who can pay and who can’t pay. That’s the status quo in America, and it is a status quo that is unsustainable for this country. We can’t have a system that works better for the insurance companies than it does for the American people. (Applause.) We need to give families and businesses more control over their own health insurance. And that’s why we need to pass health care reform — not next year, not five years from now, not 10 years from now, but now

This reminds me of Animal Farm by George Orwell.  All the animals hated the farmer.  But what they discovered that they wanted was to BECOME the farmer.  It is not Okay for a private business to look at the bottom line.  So enter the Government (AKA more of your tax money) who never looks at the bottom line.   But in this case they claim they are going to cut costs (AKA ration on who is sick and who is healthy).  You can Google Eziekel Emanuel’s QUALY matrix.  Under 20 almost nothing and over 65 nothing.  In between the most coverage.  If you want to give businesses and families better opportunities, Barry (his mamma call him Barry, he’s Barry) stop regulating them to death.  Get rid of the EPA, stop putting these ridiculous Carbon footprint reduction demands on them  and quit raising taxes on everything.  (Coming soon the Value Added Tax).

He says that we need to pass reform now.  Why?  It doesn’t go into effect for three years.  Let’s let this tax-increasing, society-destroying, government-expanding, and dare I say, idiotic, bill sit on the table for three years.  It will be like that one popsicle that fell to the bottom of your freezer.  It may not look that good after three years.  How can you say you are voting for this for the American people when 60% of the people voting for it may not be there is three years?  What is the rush?  I am sick of the rush, rush, rush  of this President.  There is a rush, because once he gets this passed the next guy in charge cannot overturn it.  He knows that there will be a Republican majority in the House and Senate in 2010 and he will lose in 2012.  So the rush is not for you the people, but for him.

It always comes back to him, Barry.  When will all the supporters of this idiocy wake up and realize he is not doing for you, but for all the Progressives, passed and present, that he idolizes.  The Health Care Bill will raise taxes (substitute that increase for the insurance premiums)  increase the deficit, cut Medicare, cut Cancer treatments (which have already begun), give more power to faceless bureaucrats that could care less who you are, put numerous people out of work, and fundamentally change America.  Who are these temps and why do THEY get to decide what I can do?

If 300 e-mails/letters are the proof that we need this reform, why is 68% of voters against proof that we do not. If my math is correct the “do not’s” out number the “do’s”.  Though this is NOT a democracy, but a representative republic, the Representatives better do just that; represent.  It doesn’t go into effect for THREE years. But less money/liberty will start immediately.  And what the Hell for?
